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Discover the sea with the Sea Club!

Wonderful eelgrass bed with bluestem forests.
Shoveling in wading boots.
Norkling in the shallow areas outside Naturum Öresund.

The ocean club is finally back!


Havsklubben is a day camp for you born between 2004 and 2010 who are curious about and want to explore the sea. Here you can participate in fun and engaging activities with us at Marine Knowledge Center. During a whole day you get to discover and explore the sea by, among other things, raking, boating, snorkeling and at the same time learning about a viable sea! 


Times                                                                              Number                                 Last day of registration

Day camp 1:     3 July            at 09.00 - 16.00               FULLY BOOKED                             July 1             

Day camp 2:     10 July          at 09.00 - 16.00              FULLY BOOKED                            July 8

Day camp 3:     17 July          at 09.00 - 16.00               FULLY BOOKED                            July 15

Day camp 4:    24 July          at 09.00 - 16.00              FULLY BOOKED                            July 22

Day camp 5:     31 July          at 09.00 - 16.00              FULLY BOOKED                            July 29



The day camp starts and ends on Ribersborgsstranden at Marint Kunskapscenter, Ribersborgsstigen 4.



The day camp is free of charge, but bring your own lunch bag. We offer fruit! 



Nature guides/pedagogues from Marint Kunskapscenter are leaders.



Registration takes place further down the page. ATTENTION! REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED.







Day program

Broadly speaking, the program looks like this, subject to minor changes. 


Collection Marine Knowledge Center, Ribersborgsstigen 4


09.00 - 12.00:       

We start the morning by exploring our brand new exhibition. Then we put on wading boots and rake up the exciting organisms in the sea which we then examine more closely.


12.00 - 13.00: Lunch with your own packed lunch.


13.00 - 16.00:       

With the rib boat Rapp we go out to sea, we then set anchor at Luftkastellet where you can jump in and snorkel if you want. Back at the centre, we end the day with a joint reflection on what we learned about the Öresund. 



Things to think about!

Clothing according to the weather applies, we will go out even in milder weather! Bring swimwear, a towel, comfortable shoes and extra clothes. Don't forget a lunch bag!


All other equipment is available for loan.



Safety during the camp is important. We have prepared a risk assessment for Havsklubben, where we describe accident risks, preventive measures and routines should the accident occur. You can read the risk assessment here. 



Registration is closed!

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Note! Your registration is not valid until we have confirmed your booking via email. Since we only have room for 8 participants per day camp, first come, first serve applies. If a day camp is full, we will send an email to your email!

Tack för din anmälan! Vi skickar en bekräftelse till din e-post.

If you want to know more about how we handle your personal data, read ourPrivacy policy!

Illustration Jellyfish.
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