The Ocean Literate Society - Youth Engagement and Intergenerational Collaboration
The Ocean Literate Society - Youth Engagement and Intergenerational Collaboration
At the UN's 2nd ocean conference, this time in Lisbon in 2022, the Marine Education Center together with the Center for Oceans and Society at the University of Gothenburg, EarthEcho International, High Seas Alliance, Global Youth Biodiversity Network and the Environmental Institute of Sweden organized a side event with the theme:
The Ocean Literate Society - Youth Engagement and Intergenerational Collaboration
Young people around the world are leading initiatives to tackle large-scale challenges on their own, with evident positive effects. Few people have missed the communicative power and impact of international movements like Fridays For Future, initiated and driven by children and young people. In all parts of the world, young people are taking the lead in demanding change from those in power while using their voices and tools to act for a better world and a healthier ocean.
The generation that will be most impacted by the decisions and actions taken today will during this event take the stage, representing their own and future generations interests. The aim is to showcase a variety of international youth driven organisations and initiatives, as well as outreach projects driven by academia, NGOs and the private sector, all aiming for knowledge transfer across generations while building an ocean literate society and empowered youth.
During the first section of the event (0-60 min) there was a mix of short presentations and a short follow up discussion. The later part of the event (60-90 min) was held in the form of a “mini fair” where visitors got the opportunity to interact with representatives from youth organisations and projects working with youth engagement and ocean literacy.
The mini-fair included interactive elements with the possibility to make artwork, taste sustainable seafood, make new connections and bring home souvenirs.
Fridays for Future is a global Youth movement protesting for action on the climate crisis and climate justice.
The High Seas Youth Ambassador Program brings together and unites youth activists, change-makers and leaders from across the world who want to help protect and conserve the high seas.
The Marine Education Center in Sweden communicates Ocean Literacy through experiences, welcoming school classes, the public and other groups throughout the year.
EarthEcho International is building a global youth movement to protect and restore our ocean planet.
Blue Food in schools - Build your own aquaponics. Experiential learning project with the main objective to investigate how we can feed the earth's population in a sustainable and inclusive way. Driven by Swemarc, the University of Gothenburg.
Klimatjuristerna, ”The Climate lawyers” is an organisation of Swedish law students that offer free legal advice to environmental organizations.
Ocean Blues - from anxiety to action, a communication project linking non-academic young adults to the scientific community. Driven by TheCentre for Sea and Society, the University of Gothenburg.
The Plastic Experiment - Citizen Science Project here pupils take part in science, collecting and mapping how much plastic rubbish there is in different types of nature in Sweden. Driven by The University of Gothenburg among others.
The Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) is an international network of youth organizations and individuals from all over the world whose common goal is to prevent the loss of biodiversity.
Sailing4Science increases data and knowledge gathering, and achieve healthy and clean ocean awareness by empowering students and young scientists.
The Swedish National Ocean Literacy Network enabling exchange of knowledge and experience between different actors. Driven by the Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment.