Supported by Nature

Learning Site nature-based solutions in Malmö
The project Supported by Nature unites six Baltic Sea countries in a mission: to increase understanding of nature-based solutions. Learning sites for local authorities and educational and research institutions are established in coastal, wetland and watercourse areas to showcase best practices.
The aim is to increase understanding of nature-based solutions (NBS) and how they contribute to improved environmental conditions for the Baltic Sea. In the long term, a better knowledge base about nature-based solutions will lead to more frequent and appropriate use in planning processes and land and sea management.
What is a natural solution?
Nature-based solutions are multifunctional and cost-effective measures to deal with environmental problems and the effects of climate change. By protecting, developing and creating conditions for ecosystems in the physical environment on land and in water, biological diversity is promoted and increases human well-being.
Here in Malmö, we will focus on what the city of Malmö has done in recreating shallow marine environments in the Södra Varvssängen, with rock reefs for algae and mussels and a sandy bottom where eelgrass can establish itself. We will also follow the regrowth of algae, and mussels at the new breakwater at naturum Öresund.
What is to be done in the project?
Within the project Supported by Nature, 17 learning sites about nature-based solutions will be developed around the Baltic Sea to demonstrate and create knowledge. Particular focus will be on multifunctional wetlands, coastal aquatic habitats and watercourse restoration.
Here in Malmö, we will create a learning site at the ferry terminal in Malmö and one at naturum Öresund.
The creation of learning places takes place in a process where various stakeholders, teachers/students at Malmö University (MaU), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), urban planners, landscape architects, decision makers, administrations in the city of Malmö and businesses are involved and are allowed to participate and influence the learning place in Malmö.
Activities will be organized at the learning sites over the next three years to further increase understanding of nature-based solutions.
The project is possible through Interreg
The funding, made possible by the EU through the Interreg Baltic Sea Program 2021-2027, supports this core project under priority 2: Water-smart societies. The project involves several partners and associated parties from different countries around the Baltic Sea and runs from 2023 to 2026.